Want to make a real difference in development? AidGrade is hiring!

Want to really add value and innovate in international development? AidGrade, a fantastic new organisation with precisely this aim, is currently hiring. For more information about AidGrade, see their website and my recent interview with their founder, Eva Vivalt.

If making a huge difference using your quantitative skills sounds like something you’re interested in, read on for a full description from Eva of what AidGrade are looking for and offers.

Why work with AidGrade?

What’s different about AidGrade?

First, we have a high quantitative standard. Here you will find a very high level of maturity about research that you would not often find outside of academia. We focus on being right.

Second, as we are a small organization, you would immediately have a lot of responsibility. This is your organization to build. You really have an immense opportunity here if you have the enthusiasm and skill to seize it.

Third, we’re kind of awesome. What we’re creating here is new, unique and useful, and the people who have coalesced around this goal are truly wonderful people. There are some other places like that in the world, but not many.

What are we looking for?

There are two kinds of people we are looking for.

First, we are looking for people to assist with our meta-analyses and quantitative work. These people should ideally have experience with impact evaluations and quantitative methods and be able to get stuck in quickly. These can be shorter-term positions, though those who can work for longer are more valuable to us. We provide additional training and mentoring for those who can commit to longer periods of time.

Second, we are looking for people to grow the organization. We have good work to do and we need to find the resources to do it. We also need to communicate clearly so that our research findings can have more of an effect. Leadership skills and passion are key here.

As we are a small organization, you have the opportunity to shine. We only take people who can actively contribute and be an integral part of the organization.

How can you help, on the margin, through this job?

Relatively few people have both the interest and the skill to do this kind of work. There are so few people who can do a good job here that you would make a big difference on the margin.

What’s in it for you:

  • Knowing you are actively solving a problem in development that needs your help
  • The opportunity to carve your own place within international development
  • A great career trajectory
  • A learning environment
  • Fantastic peers
  • Recognition

Finally, this isn’t talked about much, but… support. If you come here and do a good job I will personally help you however I can. Often what helps in life is having a supporter, someone in your corner who will fight for you, and there’s usually no way to know in advance if the people you’ll work with are those kinds of people. I’d like to signal that, for my part, I am.

If you’d like to learn more, please send us an e-mail at [email protected] stating your goals and attaching a CV. We are currently doing a round of recruitment with a deadline of July 1 and you can read more about us on our blog).