#53 – Kelsey Piper on whether journalists have room to write about important things

“Politics. Business. Opinion. Science. Sports. Animal welfare. Existential risks.” Is this a plausible future lineup for major news outlets?

Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and given very little editorial direction, Vox’s Future Perfect aspires to be more or less that.

Competition in the news business creates pressure to write quick pieces on topical political issues that can drive lots of clicks with just a few hours’ work.

But according to Kelsey Piper, staff writer for this new section on Vox’s website focused on effective altruist themes, Future Perfect’s goal is to run in the opposite direction and make room for more substantive coverage that’s not tied to the news cycle.

They hope that in the long-term, talented writers from other outlets across the political spectrum, can also be attracted to tackle these topics.

Some skeptics of the project have questioned whether this general coverage of global catastrophic risks actually helps reduce them.

Kelsey responds: if you decide to dedicate your life to AI safety research, what’s the likely reaction from your family and friends? Do they think of you as someone about to join “that weird Silicon Valley apocalypse thing”? Or do they, having read about the issues widely, simply think “Oh, yeah. That seems important. I’m glad you’re working on it.”

Kelsey believes that really matters, and is determined by broader coverage of these kinds of topics.

If that’s right, is journalism a plausible pathway for doing the most good with your career, or did Kelsey just get particularly lucky? After all, journalism is a shrinking industry without an obvious revenue model to fund many writers looking into the world’s most pressing problems.

Kelsey points out that one needn’t take the risk of committing to journalism at an early age. Instead listeners can specialise in an important topic, while leaving open the option of switching into specialist journalism later on, should a great opportunity happen to present itself.

In today’s episode we discuss that path, as well as:

  • What’s the day to day life of a Vox journalist like?
  • How can good journalism get funded?
  • Are there meaningful tradeoffs between doing what’s in the interest of Vox, and doing what’s good?
  • How concerned should we be about the risk of effective altruism being perceived as partisan?
  • How well can short articles effectively communicate complicated ideas?
  • Are there alternative business models that could fund high quality journalism on a larger scale?
  • How do you approach the case for taking AI seriously to a broader audience?
  • How valuable might it be for media outlets to do Tetlock-style forecasting?
  • Is it really a good idea to heavily tax billionaires?
  • How do you avoid the pressure to get clicks?
  • How possible is it to predict which articles are going to be popular?
  • How did Kelsey build the skills necessary to work at Vox?
  • General lessons for people dealing with very difficult life circumstances

Rob is then joined by two of his colleagues – Keiran Harris and Michelle Hutchinson – to quickly discuss:

  • The risk political polarisation poses to long-termist causes
  • How should specialists keep journalism available as a career option?
  • Should we create a news aggregator that aims to make someone as well informed as possible in big-picture terms?

Get this episode by subscribing to our podcast on the world’s most pressing problems and how to solve them: type 80,000 Hours into your podcasting app. Or read the transcript below.

The 80,000 Hours Podcast is produced by Keiran Harris.


There’s very few complicated ideas where reading one 2,000 word article about it is going to stick with you as a significant change in your understanding of the world. I think what it can do is maybe get you interested enough to read more, and over time there can be lots of articles that maybe reading all of them can be a little bit more compelling, but yeah, it seems absolutely true to me that you can’t expect your case for impact to be we wrote this article, tons of people read it, they changed their minds and got a more productive understanding of things.

I think you basically can’t pitch effective altruism to everybody, and I think most people have a comparative advantage at pitching effective altruism to people who are going to find it compelling for reasons sort of like theirs. That doesn’t mean you should just write articles that would’ve convinced a past you, but it does mean that if you’re religious, you’re going to do better at explaining religion to effective altruists than if somebody who’s not religious tries to do that. If you’re coming at it as an environmentalist who really wants to work on climate change, but has maybe decided that’s not the thing to do, then lean into that and talk with other people who care about climate change about effective altruism and about climate change and stuff like that. If you’re here from the animal community, then think about what effective altruism can bring the animal community, and try and bring that as many places as you can.

If you’re a smart, young person and studying or a smart, established person in your career and you see the argument for AI risk and you think, “That’s what I should be doing, I want to do that.”

Are the people around you going, “Oh, yeah. I heard about that. That’s important. I’m glad you’re working on it,” the way I think they would react if you said, “I’m going to work on making organ donations safer”, or “I’m going to work on reducing crime or like improving outcomes in policy.”

Or are people going to be like, “That weird Silicon Valley, apocalypse cult thing.” That matters. I think to a lot of people, that matters. I think all of this is very hard to quantify, but I think if the general Vox reading, smart, wanting the world better, maybe not super informed about AI in-particular, but broadly sympathetic to efforts to handle technology safely. If they’ve heard the case for AI risk and they have this general sense, “Yes, that’s something some people should be working on,” then I think that’s good.

Forecasting is really hard, and practice seems to make a big difference in improving at it. I don’t necessarily expect these predictions to make us come out looking particularly good, but I think it’s still really important to do this if you want to set that standard for journalists in general. If you want people to take your predictions about the future seriously, you need to start saying, “Here’s how seriously you should take me. Here’s how good I am at this.”

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The 80,000 Hours Podcast features unusually in-depth conversations about the world's most pressing problems and how you can use your career to solve them. We invite guests pursuing a wide range of career paths — from academics and activists to entrepreneurs and policymakers — to analyse the case for and against working on different issues and which approaches are best for solving them.

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