Our impact and credibility

Research process and principles

  • We explain the process and principles we use to guide our work here.
  • For each individual article on our site, we justify our claims in footnotes, appendices, or other reports. If you see a claim that isn’t backed up by a link or citation, you can assume there’s no further justification.
  • We ask experts in the relevant area to check our articles for mistakes before we publish them.
  • We try to make it easy to critique our work by providing a summary of our key findings, explaining our research process, and flagging key judgement calls and uncertainties.


We publish:


Over 10 million people have visited our website and thousands of people have shifted their career plans based on our advice.

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We’re extremely grateful to all those who have supported us over the years.

80,000 Hours wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the help of many, many people. We’re deeply grateful for your support and for this opportunity to have a big impact.

Some of the people and groups we’d especially like to thank are:

  • Our donors

  • All our users, particularly those who have provided us with detailed feedback and taken the time to fill out our many surveys

  • Everyone who has worked at 80,000 Hours in the past, whether as staff, contractors, volunteers, or interns

  • The team at Effective Ventures Operations (and previously the Centre for Effective Altruism), who have provided us with operations support

  • Everyone who has taken the time to advise us on our strategy and content

  • All the field-experts who speak to the people we advise about their careers

  • Our trustees and external advisors