#109 – Holden Karnofsky on the most important century

Will the future of humanity be wild, or boring? It’s natural to think that if we’re trying to be sober and measured, and predict what will really happen rather than spin an exciting story, it’s more likely than not to be sort of… dull.

But there’s also good reason to think that that is simply impossible. The idea that there’s a boring future that’s internally coherent is an illusion that comes from not inspecting those scenarios too closely.

At least that is what Holden Karnofsky — founder of charity evaluator GiveWell and foundation Open Philanthropy — argues in his new article series titled ‘The Most Important Century’. He hopes to lay out part of the worldview that’s driving the strategy and grantmaking of Open Philanthropy’s longtermist team, and encourage more people to join his efforts to positively shape humanity’s future.

The bind is this. For the first 99% of human history the global economy (initially mostly food production) grew very slowly: under 0.1% a year. But since the industrial revolution around 1800, growth has exploded to over 2% a year.

To us in 2020 that sounds perfectly sensible and the natural order of things. But Holden points out that in fact it’s not only unprecedented, it also can’t continue for long.

The power of compounding increases means that to sustain 2% growth for just 10,000 years, 5% as long as humanity has already existed, would require us to turn every individual atom in the galaxy into an economy as large as the Earth’s today. Not super likely.

So what are the options? First, maybe growth will slow and then stop. In that case we today live in the single miniscule slice in the history of life during which the world rapidly changed due to constant technological advances, before intelligent civilization permanently stagnated or even collapsed. What a wild time to be alive!

Alternatively, maybe growth will continue for thousands of years. In that case we are at the very beginning of what would necessarily have to become a stable galaxy-spanning civilization, harnessing the energy of entire stars among other feats of engineering. We would then stand among the first tiny sliver of all the quadrillions of intelligent beings who ever exist. What a wild time to be alive!

Isn’t there another option where the future feels less remarkable and our current moment not so special?

While the full version of the argument above has a number of caveats, the short answer is ‘not really’. We might be in a computer simulation and our galactic potential all an illusion, though that’s hardly any less weird. And maybe the most exciting events won’t happen for generations yet. But on a cosmic scale we’d still be living around the universe’s most remarkable time:


Holden himself was very reluctant to buy into the idea that today’s civilization is in a strange and privileged position, but has ultimately concluded “all possible views about humanity’s future are wild”.

In the full series Holden goes on to elaborate on technologies that might contribute to making this the most important era in history, including computer systems that automate research into science and technology, the ability to create ‘digital people’ on computers, or transformative artificial intelligence itself.

All of these offer the potential for huge upsides and huge downsides, and Holden is at pains to say we should neither rejoice nor despair at the circumstance we find ourselves in. Rather they require sober forethought about how we want the future to play out, and how we might as a species be able to steer things in that direction.

If this sort of stuff sounds nuts to you, Holden gets it — he spent the first part of his career focused on straightforward ways of helping people in poor countries. Of course this sounds weird.

But he thinks that, if you keep pushing yourself to do even more good, it’s reasonable to go from:

“I care about all people — even if they live on the other side of the world”, to “I care about all people — even if they haven’t been born yet”, to “I care about all people — even if they’re digital”.

In the conversation Holden and Rob cover each part of the ‘Most Important Century’ series, including:

  • The case that we live in an incredibly important time
  • How achievable-seeming technology – in particular, mind uploading – could lead to unprecedented productivity, control of the environment, and more
  • How economic growth is faster than it can be for all that much longer
  • Forecasting transformative AI
  • And the implications of living in the most important century

Get this episode by subscribing to our podcast on the world’s most pressing problems and how to solve them: type 80,000 Hours into your podcasting app. Or read the transcript below.

Producer: Keiran Harris
Audio mastering: Ben Cordell
Transcriptions: Sofia Davis-Fogel


Why Holden wrote this series

Holden Karnofsky: A lot of it was just this feeling of gosh, we’re making really big decisions based on this strong belief that there’s this very important thing that very few people are paying attention to. And if I try to explain it to someone, I can’t point them to anywhere where it’s been clearly written down in one place, and it’s just driving me crazy. I think that some of the motivation was just this unstrategic “Gosh, that’s a weird situation. We should do something about that.” It’s definitely true that also I’m thinking a lot of what’s holding us back is that so few people see the world the way we do, or are looking at the thing we’re looking at when they think about what’s most important. And so maybe having something you could read to see what we think is most important would be really good, which there hasn’t been.

Holden Karnofsky: That’s in terms of personally why I’ve written these posts. I think it’s also good though to situate it in the context of the larger project Open Phil’s been engaging in over the last two years. The longtermist team has been thinking for a while that we are really making very large decisions about large amounts of money and talent on the basis of this hypothesis that different people would put different ways, but I would basically say the hypothesis is that we could be in the most important century of all time. And you could also say well, if there’s only a 0.1% chance that we’re in the most important century, then maybe a lot of the stuff still follows.

Holden Karnofsky: I’m not really sure it does, but I certainly… I think a lot of how we think about it is just, no, there’s a really good chance this is the most important century. Or at least it’s very high up there on the list of important centuries, because we could be looking at the development of some kind of technology, notably AI, that then causes a massive explosion in economic growth and scientific advancement and ends in the kind of civilization that’s able to achieve a very high level of stability and expansion across the galaxy. And so then you’ve got this enormous future civilization that’s much bigger than ours that, if and when that AI is developed that speeds things up, that’s going to be the crucial time for what kind of civilization that is, and what values it has, and who’s in charge of different parts of it.

Holden Karnofsky: That’s a premise that we believe is really likely enough that it’s driving a lot of our decisions, and it felt very unhealthy to be making that bet without basically… All of the reasoning for what we think was based on this informal reasoning, informal conversations, whiteboard-y stuff, Google Docs floating around. And it wasn’t really rigorous. And it wasn’t really in a form that a skeptic could look at and criticize. And so we started this project called worldview investigations, where we were just trying to take the most important aspects of this thing that we believed and write them up, even in a very technical long form, just so we could get a skeptic’s eyes on them and have the skeptic engage with them reasonably. Because it just wasn’t working to go to a random person, say what we believe, and try and work it out in conversation.

Holden Karnofsky: There’s just too much there. It was too hard to advance the hypothesis in the first place. And it was an enormous amount of work. And the worldview investigations team produced these technical reports that I think are phenomenal, and they’re public now… I would recommend that anyone who wants to read something really fascinating read them, but a lot of them are pretty dense, pretty technical, and it’s hard for an interested layperson to understand them. It’s also hard for someone to put all the pieces together. I just talked about a bunch of reports on different topics, and it’s not immediately obvious how they all fit together. That’s where it was just starting to drive me crazy. I was like, the picture is crystallizing in my head. I can point to all these reports, but there’s nowhere that’s just like, all right, here it all is, here’s the argument. And so that’s what the Most Important Century series is.

Key messages of the series

Holden Karnofsky: So there’s this diagram I use over and over again in the series that might be good to insert here, because that’s how I tried to make the whole thing follow-able.


So basically there’s a few key claims made in the series. So one is that eventually we could have this galaxy-spanning civilization that has this high degree of stability and this digital nature that is deeply unfamiliar from today’s perspective. So that’s claim number one. And I think claim number one, I mean, different people have different intuitions, but if you think we have 100,000 years to get to that kind of technology, I think a lot of people would find that pretty plausible. And that already is pretty wild, because that means that we’re among the earliest intelligent life in the galaxy. Claim two is that this could happen much more quickly than you might imagine, because we’re all used to constant growth, but a lot of our history is accelerating growth.

Holden Karnofsky: And if we changed from constant growth to accelerating growth via the ability to duplicate or automate or copy the things humans do to move the economy forward, then 100,000 years could become 10 years, could become 1 year. So that’s claim two. And then claim three is that there’s a specific way that that automation might take place via AI. And that when we try to estimate that and try to forecast it, it looks like all the estimation methods we have and all the best guesses we can make, and they’re so far from perfect, but they do point to this century, and they actually tend to point to a fair amount sooner than the end of the century. And so that’s claim three.

Holden Karnofsky: And so when you put those three together, we’re going to a crazy place. We can actually get there quickly if we have the right kind of tech, and the right kind of tech could be coming this century. And therefore it’s a crazy century. The final piece of the puzzle is just, gosh, that all sounds too crazy. And a lot of the series is just trying to point out that we live in a crazy time, and it’s not too hard to see it, just by looking at charts of economic growth, by looking at timelines of interesting events that have happened in the history of the galaxy and the planet.

All Possible Views About Humanity's Future Are Wild

Holden Karnofsky: One thing that I say in the series is that at the current rate of economic growth, it’s almost impossible to imagine that it could last more than another 8,200 years or something. Which sounds like a lot, but human civilization has only been around for thousands of years. And again, we’re talking about these timescales of billions of years. So is the idea that we’re going to stay at the current level of growth, that we’re going to stop, or we’re going to gradually slow down?

Holden Karnofsky: One way of putting it is if we’re slowing down now and we’re never going to speed up again, then we live at the tail end of the fastest economic growth that will ever be, that we will ever see in millions of years of human existence to date, and maybe billions of years of human existence going forward. There were a couple hundred years of a few percent per year economic growth. That was the craziest time of all time, and that’s the time we live in.

Holden Karnofsky: So if you believe that we’re eventually going to build this technologically mature civilization… And this is something that does require a bit of explanation and defending, which I do talk about in the series, but the idea is that we could eventually have a civilization that spans the galaxy and that is very long lasting and is digital in nature. So the way we live our lives today could be simulated or put into digital form. That’s something that needs explanation and defense. But if you believe it’s possible eventually that we’ll have this robust digital civilization that’s able to exist in a stable form across the galaxy, if you believe that’ll happen eventually, and if eventually means in 10,000 years or 100,000 years, then yeah, if you make a timeline of the galaxy, it still looks like we’re in the most important pixel.

Holden Karnofsky: Or at least in the pixel where that all happened. In the pixel where we went from this tiny civilization on this one planet of this one star to a civilization that was capable of going across the whole galaxy. And then it’s like, do you think that’s actually possible? And we could talk about that, but one thing is that we are, for the first time in history, as far as we know, we are actually starting to do space travel now.

Holden Karnofsky: And then another thing that can happen is it could turn out that it’s actually just impossible, and we’ll literally never get there, and I’m making this stuff up about a galactic civilization. And in that case we just stay on Earth forever. But I basically think there’s two wild things about that. One is, again, there was this period of scientific and technological advancement and economic growth, and it was like… Maybe it was a few thousand years long, but it was really, really quite a tiny slice of our history, and we’re living in it.

Holden Karnofsky: And two is, I just think it’s like… I don’t know, to just rule out that we would ever have that galaxy-scale civilization to me feels a little weird in some sense. By galactic timeline standards, it’s a few seconds ago we built the first computers and the first spaceships, and you’re saying, “No, we’ll never build a civilization that could span the galaxy.” It just doesn’t… That to me is a weird view in its own way.

"Can't we just focus on, you know, the real world?"

Holden Karnofsky: I mean, I’ve been there, for sure. My history is that I spent the first part of my career co-founding GiveWell, which is entirely focused on these straightforward ways of helping people in poor countries by improving health and wellbeing, distributing proven interventions like bed nets and deworming pills for children with intestinal parasites. I mean, that’s where I’m coming from. That’s where I started. That’s what motivates me. That’s what I’m interested in.

Holden Karnofsky: One of the things that I say in the description of my blog is that it’s about ‘avant-garde effective altruism.’ So, the analogy for me would be if you hear jazz, you might hear Louis Armstrong and you might think, “That sounds great. I want to get into jazz.” And then if you meet people who’ve spent their entire life listening to jazz, a lot of their favorite music, you’re just going to be like, “What the hell is that? That’s not music. That’s not jazz. What is that? That’s just noise. That’s just someone kind of screeching into a horn or something.” Avant-garde effective altruism has a similar feel for me. I started by saying, “Hey, gosh, people are dying of malaria and a $5 bed net can prevent it.” And I was really interested in using my career to prevent that, but I was greedy about it. Over the years, I’d always be like, “But could we do even better? Is there a way we can help even more people?”

Holden Karnofsky: Well, maybe instead of helping more people, we could help more persons — things that aren’t people, but that we should still care about. Animals are having a terrible time in factory farms, and they’re being treated horribly. What if someday we’ll decide that animals are like us, and we should care about them? Wouldn’t that be horrible? Wouldn’t it be great if we did something about it today? Just pushing and pushing and pushing, and thinking about it. And I think that that is a lot of what your audience likes to do. That’s a lot of what I like to do. A lot of what I am trying to do is bring people along that avant-garde effective altruism route, and say, “If you just keep pushing and pushing, where do you go?” And in my opinion, where you go is… Yeah, of course, it’s wild to talk about digital people living by other stars in weird virtual environments that are designed to do certain things. Of course, it’s weird.

Holden Karnofsky: But if it’s the kind of thing that we think will eventually happen, or could eventually happen, then most of the people we can help are just future people who are digital people. And if you say, “Well I don’t care about them because they’re future people,” I would say, “Gosh, that didn’t sound very good; you may regret saying that. History may not judge you kindly for saying, ‘I don’t care about people that are future people. I don’t care about people that are digital people. They’re digital. I’m made out of cells.'” There’s a lot of philosophical debates to be had here, but I’ve definitely reached the conclusion that it’s at least pretty dicey to say that kind of thing.

Holden Karnofsky: And so, I think you start from, “I want fewer people to die from malaria.” And I think it actually is logical that you get to, “Well, I care about all people. I care about future people. I care about digital people, and I really care what happens to them.” And there are just awful, awful, huge stakes for a huge, huge, huge number of digital people in this thing that could be happening in this century. And that is something that I need to get a grip on, because the stakes are enormous.

Process for Automating Scientific and Technological Advancement

Holden Karnofsky: The basic idea is that if you could imagine an automated digital scientist — or engineer, or entrepreneur — someone who could do all the things a person does to advance science and technology, and then you imagine that digital person could be copied and could just work in this digital sped-up advanced form. If you just imagine that, then you can pretty fairly easily get to a conclusion that you would see a massive, crazy explosion in the rate of scientific and technological advancement. And at that point you might start thinking something like anything that is scientifically and technologically possible, we will get fairly soon. A lot of my argument is that it’s not too hard to imagine that really, really wild stuff could happen in the next 100,000 years. Stuff about building stable digital-based civilizations that go across the galaxy. Not too hard to imagine that. The interesting thing is that if we get the right sort of meta technology or the right automated process, then 100,000 years, as you intuitively think of it, could become 10 years.

Holden Karnofsky: So fundamentally, as far as we can tell, it’s sure it looks like this is happening. The way that science and technological advancement is happening right now is that there are these people with brains and the brains are like… They’re pretty small. There’s a lot of them. They’re built out of not very expensive materials in some sort of sense. You could think of a brain as being made out of food or something. There’s no incredibly expensive process that needs to be done to create a brain. And these brains are doing the work. They’re doing it. So why can’t we build something, could be anything, but I would guess a computer, that could… Whatever it is our brain is doing, why couldn’t we build something that did that?

Holden Karnofsky: And of course that’s a lot harder than building something that plays chess. It raises new challenges with how do you train that thing? How do you define success? And probably it has to be a lot more powerful than these computers to play chess. Because something that some people don’t know is that actually today’s most powerful computers, based on estimates such as the one that Joe Carlsmith did for Open Philanthropy… It’s very rare to see a computer that’s even within range of having the computational power of a human brain right now. So it’s like, sure, to do these hard things that humans do, we’re going to need something that’s a lot more powerful than what we have now, does more computations probably, and we’re going to need creativity and ingenuity and figure out how to train it. But fundamentally, we have an existence proof, we have these brains, and there’s a lot of them, and why can’t we build something that fundamentally accomplishes the same thing they’re accomplishing?

Holden Karnofsky: Humans somehow learn how to do science. It’s not something that we’ve been doing for most of our history, but somehow we learn it in the space of a human lifetime, learn it pretty quickly. So if we could build something else that’s able to learn how to do the same thing, whether it’s in the same way or not, you could imagine building an AI that’s able to watch a training video and learn as much from it as a human does, as measured by its answers to some test.

Holden Karnofsky: And then you start to ask, so what technologies could we develop? And it’s like… There’s two answers. One answer is like, “Oh my God, I have no idea.” And like wow, maybe that’s enough. Maybe we should just say if we could develop that kind of system this century, then we should think of this as the most important century, or one of the most important centuries. We should just be freaking out about this possibility, because I have lost the script. Once we’ve got the ability to automate science, to get to where we might be going in 100,000 years, but to get there in 10 years, 1 year, gosh, we should just really worry about that, and that should be what we’re spending our time and energy on, what could happen there.

Digital People Would Be An Even Bigger Deal

Holden Karnofsky: The basic idea of a digital person is like a digital simulation of a person. It’s really like if you just take one of these video games, like The Sims, or… I use the example of a football game because I was able to get these different pictures of this football player, Jerry Rice, because every year they put out a new Madden video game. So, Jerry Rice looks a little more realistic every year. You have these video game simulations of people, and if you just imagine it getting more and more realistic until you have a perfect simulation… Imagine a video game that has a character called Holden, and just does everything exactly how Holden would in response to whatever happens. That’s it. That’s what a digital person is. So, it’s a fairly simple idea. In some ways it’s a very far-out extrapolation of stuff we’re already doing, which is we’re already simulating these characters…

Holden Karnofsky: A lot of people have the intuition that well, even if digital people were able to act just like real people, they wouldn’t count morally the same way. They wouldn’t have feelings. They wouldn’t have experiences. They wouldn’t be conscious. We shouldn’t care about them. And that’s an intuition that I disagree with. It’s not a huge focus of the series, but I do write about it. My understanding from… I think basically if you dig all the way into philosophy of mind and think about what consciousness is, this is something we’re all very confused about. No one has the answer to that. But I think in general, there isn’t a great reason to think that whatever consciousness is, it crucially relies on being made out of neurons instead of being made out of microchips or whatever.

Holden Karnofsky: And one way of thinking about this is, I think I’m conscious. Why do I think that? Is the fact that I think I’m conscious, is that connected to the actual truth of me being conscious? Because the thing that makes me think I’m conscious has nothing to do with whether my brain is made out of neurons. If you made a digital copy of me and you said, “Hey, Holden, are you conscious?” That thing would say, “Yes, of course, I am,” for the same exact reason I’m doing it. It would be processing all the same information. It’d be considering all the same evidence, and it would say yes. There’s this intuition that whatever consciousness is, if we believe it’s what’s causing us to think we’re conscious, then it seems like it’s something about the software our brain is running, or the algorithm it’s doing, or the information it’s processing. It’s not something about the material the brain is made of. Because if you change that material, you wouldn’t get different answers. You wouldn’t get different beliefs.

Holden Karnofsky: That’s the intuition. There’s a thought experiment that’s interesting that I got from David Chalmers, where you imagine that if you took your brain and you just replaced one neuron with a digital signal transmitter that just fired in all the same exact ways, you wouldn’t notice anything changing. You couldn’t notice anything changing, because your brain would be doing all the same things, and you’d be reaching all the same conclusions. You’d be having all the same thoughts. Now, if you replaced another one, you wouldn’t notice anything, and if you replaced them all, you wouldn’t notice anything…

Holden Karnofsky: I think it is the better bet that if we had digital people that were acting just like us, and the digital brains were doing the same thing as our brains, that we should care about them. We should think of them as people, and we probably would. Even if they weren’t conscious — we’d be friends with them. We’d talk to them and we would relate to them. There are people I’ve never met, and they would just be like any other people I’ve never met, but I could have video calls with them and phone calls with them. And so, we probably will and should care about what happens to them. And even if we don’t, it only changes some of the conclusions. But I basically think that digital people would be people too.

Transformative AI Timelines

Holden Karnofsky: [A common intuition that people have is that] we have AI systems that can do the low-paying jobs. Then they can do the medium-paying jobs, then they can do the high-paying jobs. And it’s like, “Gosh, that would be a really polite way for AI to develop.” They can just get right into our economy’s valuations on people and our opinions of what kind of work is valuable. And I think when people talk about unemployment, they’re just assuming.

Holden Karnofsky: They’re just like, “Well, the people right now who aren’t paid very much, those are going to be all the people who are unemployed. And we’ll have to wait for the AI to catch up to the people who are paid a lot right now.” And a lot of what I wanted to point out is just, we don’t know how this is going to go, and how this goes could be a lot more sudden. So a lot of the ones you said, where it’s just going to be like, “Alright, now it’s an ant.” How would we even know that? In my opinion, it could already be at ant-level intelligence, because we don’t have the hardware.

Holden Karnofsky: We can’t build things that can do what ants do in the physical world. And we wouldn’t particularly want to, so it’s just hard to know if you’re looking at an ant brain-level AI or a honeybee brain-level AI or a mouse brain-level AI. We’ve tried a little bit to compare what AIs can do to what very simple animals can do. There’s a report by Guille Costa on trying to compare AIs to honeybees on learning from a few examples, but it’s really all inconclusive stuff. And that’s the whole point, is it might just happen in a way that’s surprising and quick and weird, where the jump from chimp brain to human brain could be a small jump, but could be a really big deal.

Holden Karnofsky: So anyway, if I had to guess one [thing to use as a reference point], I would go with we don’t yet have an AI that could probably do whatever a human could do in one second. But I would imagine that, once we’re training human-sized models, which we’re not yet, that’d be the thing you might expect to see us getting closer to. And then you might get closer to things that a human can do in 10 seconds, or 100 seconds. And I think that where that would put us now is we’re just not at human level yet. And so you just wouldn’t be able to make much of what you see yet, except to say maybe make lower animal comparisons, or simpler animal comparisons.

Holden Karnofsky: Just to be clear, I’m definitely not saying it’s going to happen overnight. That’s not the point I’m trying to make. So I think before we have this super transformative AI that could automate science or whatever, we’ll probably be noticing that other crazy stuff is happening and that AIs are getting more and more capable and economically relevant. I don’t think there’s going to be no warning. I don’t think it’s going to be overnight, although I can’t totally rule that out either. But what I do think is that it might simultaneously be the case that it’s too early to really feel the trend today, and that a few decades could be plenty. And one way of thinking about that is that the whole field of AI is only a few decades old.

Holden Karnofsky: It’s only like 64 years old, as of this recording. And so if you imagine… And we’ve gone from these computers that could barely do anything to these image recognition models, these audio recognition models that can compete with humans in a lot of things, at least in an experimental laboratory-type setting. And so an analogy that I use at one point is the COVID pandemic. Where it’s like, it wasn’t like it happened completely overnight, but there was an early phase where you could start to see it coming. You could start to see the important trends, but there weren’t any school closures, there weren’t any full hospitals. And that’s, I think, maybe where we are right now with AI. Where you can start to think about the trends, and you can start to see where it’s all going. You haven’t started to feel it yet, but just because you haven’t started to feel it yet… I mean, a few decades is a long time.

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