Author archive: Benjamin Todd
Benjamin is the president and cofounder of 80,000 Hours. He managed the organisation while it grew from a lecture, to a student society, to the organisation it is today. He also helped to get effective altruism started in Oxford in 2011.
This page lists all of his writing at 80,000 Hours. See some highlights.
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Selected highlights
All articles by Benjamin Todd
- ArticleArticleSeptember
- Article
May- Advanced series: our most important and novel research on what makes for a high-impact career (First published)ArticleArticleAprilMarch
- ArticleArticleWhat is social impact? A definition (Updated)ArticleArticleArticleWhy and how to earn to give (Updated)ArticleFebruary
- Article
September- In which career can you make the biggest contribution? (First published)Article
June- The case for reducing existential risks (Updated)Article
March- Article
November- Applying an unusual skill to a needed niche (First published)ArticleArticleArticleOctober
- What is social impact? A definition (First published)Article
September- ArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleCareer exploration: when should you settle? (First published)ArticleArticleArticleThe best solutions are far more effective than others (First published)ArticleJulyMay
- ArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleArticleMarch
- Advanced series: our most important and novel research on what makes for a high-impact career (Updated)ArticleArticleArticle
December- Career planning and decision making — all our best resources (First published)ArticleNovemberMay
- How to make tough career decisions (Updated)Article
April- Evaluations (Updated)Article
March- Article
November- ArticleOctober
November- Our impact and credibility (Updated)Article
October- Ways people trying to do good accidentally make things worse, and how to avoid them (First published)ArticleSeptember
- ArticleDoing good together: how to coordinate effectively and avoid single-player thinking (First published)ArticleAugustMarch
- Operations management in high-impact organisations (First published)Article
October- August
- ArticleJuly
- June
- Is it ever OK to take a harmful job in order to do more good? An in-depth analysis (First published)Article
MayApril- College advice (First published)ArticleArticleArticle4 biases to avoid in career decisions (Updated)ArticleShould you wait to make a difference? (Updated)Article
December- Where’s the best place to volunteer? (First published)Article
July- Article
June- May
August- How to make tough career decisions (First published)Article
July- What should you look for in a job? Introducing our framework. (First published)ArticleBest existing resources (First published)ArticleThe highest-impact career paths our research has identified so far (First published)ArticleJune
- Article
December- ArticleSome causes are better than others (First published)ArticleNovember
- Best existing resources (Updated)ArticleOctober
- Article4 biases to avoid in career decisions (First published)ArticleShould you wait to make a difference? (First published)ArticleArticleDon’t go with your gut (but check with it) (First published)ArticleArticleSeptember
- The entrepreneur (First published)ArticleThe effective worker (First published)ArticleWhy and how to earn to give (First published)ArticleHow to do high impact research (First published)ArticleThe experimenter (First published)ArticleSelf-developer (First published)ArticleFramework worksheet (First published)ArticleAugust
- The entrepreneur (Updated)ArticleThe effective worker (Updated)ArticleThe experimenter (Updated)ArticleSelf-developer (Updated)ArticleArticleEvaluations (First published)ArticleOur impact and credibility (First published)ArticleImproving decision making (First published)ArticlePromoting effective altruism (First published)ArticleGlobal priorities research (First published)Article