
Update: Unfortunately, due to staff limitations we cannot accept any more freelance career reviews.

You can earn £1,000 by writing a review of a career path that’s sufficiently good for us to publish it on our site. At the same time you’ll help tens of thousands of people choose a career path with more social impact.

We are willing to pay £1,000 if you send us something that’s as good as, or better, than what we could have done ourselves, and only needs minor revisions; £300 if it’s usable but requires significant input from us; and £150 if it’s a helpful input into one of our reviews.

Before you start, send an email to [email protected] to confirm the title you’ll work on.

Some example reviews that we think have an appropriate level of detail to target include Economics PhD, Journalism, and Marketing.

An outstanding career profile is Medical Careers. Here’s a list of all our career profiles (including some ones in an old format and some that are both much longer and shorter than the 3 above).

To help you get started see our list of headings we fill out when writing career reviews, and a list of links we often refer to. In most cases you will want to speak to 1-3 people in the relevant career to collect information to include.

You’ll probably find it easiest to write about a career or course of study you’ve done yourself, or one you would consider for yourself.

Five reviews we would particularly like to see are:

  • Professional services firms (KPMG, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PWC)
  • US civil service, lobbying and party politics
  • Maths and statistics PhDs
  • Teach First / Teach for America
  • Law grad school, or being a lawyer.

Here are some other promising career paths you can write about. Here are some general comments I’ve made about how volunteers can contribute to research in this area.

If you’d like to get started, send [email protected] a quick email.