Christian Ruhl on why we’re entering a new nuclear age — and how to reduce the risks
In this episode of 80k After Hours, Luisa Rodriguez and Christian Ruhl discuss underrated best bets to avert civilisational collapse from global catastrophic risks — things like great power war, frontier military technologies, and nuclear winter.
They cover:
- How the geopolitical situation has changed in recent years into a “three-body problem” between the US, Russia, and China.
- How adding AI-enabled technologies into the mix makes things even more unstable and unpredictable.
- Why Christian recommends many philanthropists focus on “right-of-boom” interventions — those that mitigate the damage after a catastrophe — over traditional preventative measures.
- Concrete things policymakers should be considering to reduce the devastating effects of unthinkable tragedies.
- And on a more personal note, Christian’s experience of having a stutter.
Who this episode is for:
- People interested in the most cost-effective ways to prevent nuclear war, such as:
- Deescalating after accidental nuclear use.
- Civil defence and war termination.
- Mitigating nuclear winter.
Who this episode isn’t for:
- People interested in the least cost-effective ways to prevent nuclear war, such as:
- Coating every nuclear weapon on Earth in solid gold so they’re no longer functional.
- Creating a TV show called The Real Housewives of Nuclear Winter about the personal and professional lives of women in Beverly Hills after a nuclear holocaust.
- A multibillion dollar programme to invent a laser beam that could write permanent messages on the Moon, and using it just once to spell out #nonukesnovember.
Producer: Keiran Harris
Audio Engineering Lead: Ben Cordell
Technical editing: Ben Cordell and Milo McGuire
Content editing: Katy Moore, Luisa Rodriguez, and Keiran Harris
Transcriptions: Katy Moore
“Gershwin – Rhapsody in Blue, original 1924 version” by Jason Weinberger is licensed under creative commons