Advanced series: our most important and novel research on what makes for a high-impact career

If you’re already familiar with the ideas in our career guide, this series aims to deepen your understanding of how to increase the impact of your career.

Browse through the titles below, and read whichever interests you. Here’s a reminder about what our advice is based on and some tips on how to best use it.

1. Introduction

2. What does it mean to make a difference?

3. What are the world’s most pressing problems?

4. Contribution: which career paths give you the best opportunities to tackle global problems?

5. Personal fit: what are you good at?

We introduced personal fit in our career guide. Here’s some more on this topic:

6. Strategy: how to find your best career

What’s nextSpeak to our team one-on-one to make your new career plan

If you’ve read our advanced series, our 1-1 team might be keen to talk to you. They can help you check your plan, reflect on your values, and maybe make connections with mentors, jobs and funding opportunities. (It’s free.)

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We have hundreds more articles on the site. You can filter them by cause, career path, and other topics to find those that are most helpful to your situation.

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Personal fit: why being good at your job is even more important than people think

This article is part of our old ‘key ideas’ series, which we stopped updating in 2023. We’d suggest reading the article on personal fit in our career guide instead.

“Find work you’re good at” is a truism, but we think many people still don’t take it seriously enough.

Finding the option where you have the best chance of excelling over the course of your career — where you have your greatest ‘personal fit’ — is one of the key determinants of your career’s impact. In fact, after initially identifying some promising paths, we think it’s often the most important factor.

The first reason is that in many fields, data suggests that success is distributed unevenly.

This is most pronounced in complex jobs like research or entrepreneurship. A key study of ‘expert performance’ concluded:

A small percentage of the workers in any given domain is responsible for the bulk of the work. Generally, the top 10% of the most prolific elite can be credited with around 50% of all contributions, whereas the bottom 50% of the least productive workers can claim only 15% of the total work, and the most productive contributor is usually about 100 times more prolific than the least.

In the most skewed fields like these, your expected impact is roughly just the value of outsized success multiplied by its probability — from an impact point of view, you can roughly ignore the middling scenarios.

But in most jobs there are still sizable differences in output between, say, the top 20% of performers and the average performers.

It’s unclear how predictable these differences are ahead of time, and people often overstate them. But even if they’re only a little bit predictable, it could matter a great deal — having slightly higher chances of success could result in large increases in impact.

For instance, suppose in option A you expect to be average, and in option B you expect to be in the top 30%. If the top 30% produce two times as much as average, then it could be better to take option B, even if you think option A is up to two times higher-impact on average.

If we also consider you’ll be less replaceable if you’re in the top 30%, the difference in counterfactual impact could be even larger.

The second reason why personal fit is so important is that being successful in almost any field gives you more connections, credibility, and money to direct towards pressing problems — increasing your career capital and leverage.

If you succeed at something, that gives you a reputation and credentials you can use to find future opportunities. You’ll also tend to meet other successful people, improving your connections. And you might gain a platform or money you can use to promote neglected issues. This idea is discussed more in our podcast with Holden Karnofsky.

Being good at your job is also one of the main ingredients of a satisfying job, which helps you stay motivated in addition to being important in itself. It could easily be more satisfying to be in the top 20% of a profession, even if it’s perhaps lower paid or less glamorous than an alternative where you’d be average.

How important is personal fit compared to other factors?

You can think of your degree of personal fit with a career option as a multiplier on how promising that option is in general, such that:1

total impact = (average impact of option) x (personal fit)


total career capital = (average career capital) x (personal fit)

This means that we often advise people to first identify some high-impact paths, and then choose between them based on their degree of fit with them — especially focusing on those where they might excel.

If you have very low personal fit for a job, it doesn’t matter how impactful the option might be in general — your total impact could end up very low. So it can be worth taking a job that you think is, say, in your second tier for impact, but is a better fit for you.

Because personal fit is so important, we would almost never encourage you to pursue a career you dislike. Succeeding in almost any career takes many years and sometimes decades of work. If you don’t like your job, you’re unlikely to stick with it that long, and so you’ll forgo a lot of your impact. (And there are other reasons we wouldn’t encourage you to pursue a career you dislike.)

Although it’s not what we most commonly recommend, it can sometimes even be worth taking jobs that don’t have any direct connection to a particularly impactful path in the short term because of the career capital you might get from excelling in them.

Isabelle Boemeke Isabelle Boemeke started out as a fashion model, but after speaking to experts who said nuclear energy was needed to tackle climate change (but were afraid to promote it due to its unpopularity), she pivoted to using her social media following to promote it. Becoming a fashion model isn’t normally one of our recommendations, but it could still be the right choice if your fit is high enough.

More generally, since you can have a significant impact in any job by donating, through political advocacy, or being a multiplier on others, simply working hard and being more successful in any path can let you have more impact.

What am I good at?

Academic studies and common sense both suggest that while it’s possible to predict people’s performance in a path to some degree, it’s a difficult endeavour.2 What’s more, there’s not much reason to trust intuitive assessments, or career tests either.3

So what does work?

Making predictions

Here are some questions you can use to make some initial assessments of your fit from several different angles:

  1. What do you think are your chances of success?4 To do this, look at your track record in similar work and try to project it forward. For instance, if you were among the top 25% of your class in graduate school, because roughly the top half of the class continue to academia, you could roughly forecast being in the top 50% of academia.5 To get a better sense of your long-term potential, look at your rate of improvement rather than recent performance. (More technically, you can try to make a base rate forecast).

  2. What drives performance in the field, and how do you stack up? The first step gives you a starting point, but you can try to improve your estimates by asking yourself what most drives success in the field, and whether you have those traits, as well as looking for other predictors of performance.

  3. What do experts say? If you can, ask people experienced in the field for their assessment of your prospects. Just be careful not to put too much weight on a single person’s view, and aim to ask people who have had experience selecting people for that job in question, and are likely to be honest with you.

  4. Does it match your strengths? One way to gauge this is to look for activities that don’t feel like work to you, but do for most people. We have an article about how to assess your strengths.

  5. Do you feel excited to pursue it? Gut-level motivation isn’t a reliable predictor of success, but if you don’t feel motivated, it’ll be challenging to exert yourself at the level required for high performance in most jobs. So a lack of excitement should give you pause.

  6. Will you enjoy it? To stick with it for the long term, the path would ideally be reasonably enjoyable and fit with the rest of your life (e.g. if you want a family, you may want a job without extreme working hours).

Learning to make good predictions is an art, and one that’s very useful if your aim is to do good, so we have an article about how to get better at it.

Investigating your options

Many people try to figure out their career from the armchair, but it’s often more useful to go and test things in the real world.

If you have time, the next stage is to identify key uncertainties about your fit, and then investigate those uncertainties.

It’s often possible to find low-cost ways to test out different paths. Start with the lowest-cost ways to gain information first, creating a ‘ladder’ of tests. For example, one such ladder might look like this:

  1. First read our relevant career reviews and do some Google searches to learn the basics (1–2h).
  2. Then speak to someone in the area (2h).
  3. Then speak to three more people who work in the area and read one or two books (20h). You could also consider speaking to a career advisor who specialises in this area.
  4. Then look for a project that might take 1–4 weeks of work, like applying to jobs, volunteering in a related role, or starting a blog on the policy area you want to focus on. If you’ve done the previous step, you’ll know what’s best.
  5. Only then consider taking on a 2–24 month commitment, like a work placement, internship, or graduate study. At this point, being offered a trial position with an organisation for a couple of months can also be an advantage, because it means both parties will make an effort to quickly assess your fit.

In our planning process, we lead you through the process of identifying key uncertainties for each stage of your career, and then making a plan to investigate them.

If at any point you learn that a path is definitely not for you, then you can end the investigation.

Otherwise, when your best guess about which path is best stops changing, then it’s time to stop doing tests and take a job for a few years. But that is also an experiment, just on a longer time scale — as we discuss in our article on exploration.

Further reading

Read next:  Career capital: how best to invest in yourself

Most people reach their peak productivity at age 40–60, which suggests you can greatly increase your impact by investing in yourself.

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Join our newsletter and we’ll send you a free copy of The Precipice — a book by philosopher Toby Ord about how to tackle the greatest threats facing humanity. T&Cs here.

Notes and references

  1. More specifically, we define a person’s ‘personal fit’ for a job as the ratio between: 1) the productivity that person would have in the job in the long term, and 2) the average productivity of other people who are likely to take the job.

  2. The best study we’ve found showed that the best predictors of job performance only correlate about 0.5–0.65 with job performance. This means that much of the variance is unexplained, so that even a selection process using the best available predictors will appear to regularly make mistakes.

    Schmidt, Frank L., et al. “The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 100 years…” Fox School of Business Research Paper, 2016, 1-74. PDF

    This matches personal experience; it’s pretty common for hiring processes to make the wrong call and for new hires to not work out.

  3. Most career tests are based on ‘interest-matching,’ often using a system similar to Holland types. However, meta-analyses have found that these methods don’t correlate or only very weakly correlate with job performance. We cover some studies about this here.

  4. If the outcome of a choice of career path is dominated by ‘tail’ scenarios (unusually good or bad outcomes), which we think it often is, then you can approximate the expected impact of a path by looking at the probability of the tail scenarios happening and how good/bad they are.

  5. If we suppose that the 50% with the best fit continue to academia, then you’d be in the top half. In reality, your prospects would be a little worse than this, since some of your past performance might be due to luck or other factors that don’t project forward. Likewise, past failures might also have been due to luck or other factors that don’t project forward, so your prospects are a bit better than they’d naively suggest. In other words, past performance doesn’t perfectly predict future performance.

How to investigate your career uncertainties and make a judgement call

Find the full career planning series here.
The most important sections in each article are marked with ★’s.

The goal

The goal of this part of the career planning series is to help you make an overall judgement call about your plan after taking stock of, prioritising, and (perhaps) investigating your key uncertainties, so that you are ready to put it into action.

You will also set points in the future at which you’ll review and update your plan.

★Step back, reflect, and make your final list of key uncertainties

Career planning involves so much uncertainty that it’s easy to feel paralysed. To tackle your uncertainty, approach your investigation like a scientist. Make hypotheses, investigate them empirically, and update.

You’ve listed key uncertainties throughout the articles in this series. Now we’re going to gather them all up, check whether you’ve missed any, prioritise which to investigate, and work out what investigation to do.

Gather up uncertainties

You have accumulated key uncertainties through this process, including about:

  • Which global problems are most pressing (and your values and worldview)
  • Your best potential longer-term paths
  • What your best next career steps should be
  • What your backup options should be

Copy and paste them into Section 7.1.1 of your template.

Now here are some ways to reflect on your whole plan, check you haven’t missed any key uncertainties, and start resolving some of them.

Get some overall feedback

Often what the people we advise find most helpful at this point is to show their plan to others — other people can help spot assumptions you’re making that may seem obvious to you but really aren’t.

One exercise is to make a copy of your template and send it to a couple of friends or advisors for comments. If it’s long and messy with notes, you can just send your plan A, next step ideas, and uncertainties.

This not only helps to identify further key uncertainties, but can probably help you start answering some uncertainties too.

Try to get feedback from people who understand your aim to have an impact and who can be supportive while they challenge your thinking. A ‘career-planning partner’ can be great if you can find someone to trade career plans with — you can critique each other’s plans and help each other generate more options, plus provide moral support. Our advisors may be able to help too.

How do you reach out to people? It depends on your relationship — but if the person is someone you don’t know as well or with whom you have a more formal relationship, these tips may be helpful. In these cases, it’s better to send one or two specific questions rather than your whole plan.

It can often be easier to reach out to people if you’re both part of a community focused on making a positive difference, because then they know helping you will help them further your shared goals.

If you get some negative feedback, don’t respond hastily. If your plan is unconventional — which is likely, if you’re targeting something neglected — probably not everyone is going to agree with it. Try to understand the reasons behind their negative reaction, and decide whether to adjust. If the reasons are unclear, perhaps wait to see if others have a similar reaction or if it’s an isolated example.

You can adjust your list of uncertainties in Section 7.1.1 of your template in light of what you learn.

Optional: Change frame

Perhaps the biggest challenge in decision making is that we tend to think too narrowly. For that reason, much decision-making advice is essentially about how to view your decision from a different perspective.

Here are a couple of perspectives you can take about your plan to help you see it in a new way.

  • Why are you most likely to be wrong about your plan? To make this more vivid, imagine that your plan has failed — what went wrong? (Do a ‘premortem’ on it.) These ‘negative’ frames are some of the most useful ways to reduce any overconfidence bias and spot problems with your plans.
  • What would a kind, wise friend advise you to do? It’s often easier to see the mistakes that other people are making because you have more distance from the situation. This prompt tries to help you gain this distance about yourself.
  • Change the time frame with 10/10/10. Imagine you’ve already committed to your plan A. How do you feel about it 10 minutes later? How do you feel about it in 10 months’ time? Imagine it’s 10 years in the future — how do you feel about it looking back?

Do any of these prompts help you to resolve a key uncertainty or spot a new one? If so, again adjust the list you made in Section 7.1.1 of the template accordingly.

Ask yourself how you feel about your plan

Now that you’ve done a lot of explicit thinking, it’s a good time to listen to your gut.

Bring the different aspects of your plan to mind. Is there something you feel uneasy about, or that feels aversive? Does something feel ‘off’? It’s okay if this is vague.

How do you feel about your plan in general? Anxious / excited / sad / frustrated / calm / guilty etc.?

While we don’t agree with the mantra that people should ‘go with their gut’, especially when it comes to working out something as complex and abstract as how to have an impact, we also don’t think you should ignore it altogether.

Your intuition is good at evaluating things like what you’re excited by and which people are good to work with, which are important inputs into the decision.

An uneasy gut reaction may also be a sign you’ve uncovered a problem with the plan that hasn’t yet made it to your conscious mind. Emotions contain signals about what to pay attention to, although they don’t always accurately represent reality.

If you have a negative emotion or gut reaction, try to understand what it’s about.

Then, consider whether you should change your plan or investigate further. You might find your intuition has picked up a mistake that you can fix. The ideal is for your analysis, emotions, and intuitions to all line up.

Alternatively, you might realise it’s best to push ahead anyway — it’s normal to be, say, worried about the future, even if you’ve done all the steps worth taking to mitigate the risks. And sometimes your gut can get stuck on something that it shouldn’t — as we know from the study of neuroses and biases.

If you’ve investigated what your gut feeling is about and you don’t endorse the concern, acknowledge the feeling and try to let it go.

If you think the concern is a good one, see if you can mitigate it by adjusting your plan.

If you can’t identify what’s behind the feeling, it might be best to push ahead in the meantime and keep checking in on it until it becomes clear what it’s about.

Again, adjust your list of uncertainties in Section 7.1.1 of your template in light of what you learned.

★Prioritise your key uncertainties

Now you can make an overall ranking of your key uncertainties, including both those you identified throughout this process and any you just uncovered. Base your ranking on:

  • How easy the uncertainties seem to be to resolve
  • How much difference resolving them would make to your career plan

Write them down in rank order in Section 7.2 of your template. Feel free to leave off any that seem like they definitely won’t be worth investigating.

★Make a plan to investigate

Now that you know what your top uncertainties are, you have a choice:

  1. Investigate to reduce some of your top uncertainties, and then revise your plan in light of what you learn.
  2. Attempt to put your plan into action now (bearing in mind you can update it later).

In reality, these two options overlap. Often one of the most useful things you can do is to just apply to lots of jobs and talk to lots of people, which both helps to put your plan into action and gives you valuable information about opportunities and your fit for them. We often see people agonise over a choice between different paths, when if they’d made lots of applications, the best path would have become obvious.

However, it’s still useful to roughly divide into ‘investigation mode’ and ‘action mode’. Focus more on action if your key uncertainties are relatively minor or will be hard to make progress on. Likewise, sometimes your key uncertainties are best resolved just by trying to put your plan into action and seeing how it turns out — you can always revise your plan in 6–24 months depending on what happens.

Otherwise, since your career involves so much time, it’s most likely worth some further investigation.

How to investigate your key uncertainties

  • The most useful step is often to talk to people. The right person can give you more up-to-date and personalised information than what you’ll be able to find in a book or online. People we advise are often surprised at how willing people are to help. See some email scripts for informational interviews and asking for advice. (Bear in mind that when you’re talking to these people, they are probably also informally interviewing you — see our advice on preparing for interviews in a separate article.)
  • Do ‘desk’ research, such as searching Google. As part of this, you can see everything we’ve written by topic to see if we’ve covered it before.
  • Look for ways to test your uncertainties. For instance, simply applying to lots of jobs is often one of the best ways to learn about your fit (and can double as pursuing your next steps).

Make sure to start with the lowest-cost ways to gain information.

We like to think in terms of a ‘ladder’ of tests, from least to most costly. For example, one such ladder might look like this:

  • First read our relevant career reviews and do some Google searches to learn the basics (1–2h).
  • Then speak to someone in the area (2h).
  • Then speak to three more people who work in the area and read one or two books (20h). You could also consider speaking to a career advisor who specialises in this area.
  • Then look for a project that might take 1–4 weeks of work, like applying to jobs, volunteering in a related role, or starting a blog on the policy area you want to focus on. If you’ve done the previous step, you’ll know what’s best.
  • Only then consider taking on a 2–24 month commitment, like a work placement, internship, or graduate study. At this point, being offered a trial position with an organisation for a couple of months can also be an advantage, because it means both parties will make an effort to quickly assess your fit.

Make a list of ways you’ll investigate your highest priority uncertainties in Section 7.3 of your template.

How long to spend investigating

There’s no hard and fast rule for how long you should spend investigating your key uncertainties. While we think that the stakes are high, and most people don’t research their career enough, if you’re reading this article, you might well be biased towards over-analysing.

One good indicator that you’ve done enough research is that your best guesses have stopped changing. If you’ve done the cheapest and most informative investigations first, and you’ve stopped changing your plan, then you’ve probably taken the low-hanging fruit and it’s time to act.

One poor indicator is a feeling of confidence. Some uncertainties will not be possible to resolve in the time you have, and you will have to act despite not feeling confident it’s the best move.

It’s also worth considering the stakes of the decision. If a choice concerns what you’ll do over many years, involves large differences between options, or is difficult to reverse, then it’s worth more investigation.1

For instance, medical school is roughly a seven-year commitment, so it could easily be worth spending months researching that decision.

If needed, adjust your plan

After you’ve done some investigation, you might want to update your plan.

In reality, this is not a single step — you might go through several loops of investigation and updating.

You might also start to put your plan into action, and then later realise you need to revise it.

We cover taking action in the next article for simplicity, but in reality you might jump back and forth between acting and adjusting your plan several times.

We mention investigating your uncertainties again in the next article as a type of ‘next action’, so you can move on to that part before finishing the investigations you want to do, and you’ll be prompted again to dive into them.

★Make a judgement call

Eventually, you will need to make a judgement call about the key elements of your plan. This can be difficult. As we noted, it may not be possible to feel confident in your answers. So the aim isn’t to feel confident. Rather, it’s to make a reasonable decision given the information and time available.

If you’ve already completed the steps we cover throughout this career planning series, you’ve already put most of the best decision-making advice into practice. You have:

  • Broadened your options
  • Clarified your strategic priorities
  • Tried to narrow down systematically, such as by scoring them on your criteria
  • Sought feedback from others
  • Asked why you might be wrong
  • Investigated your key uncertainties
  • Considered backup options

Eventually, you just have to make a decision. If you’ve done just half of what we’ve covered, you’ve done a lot, and are likely making a much better decision than you would have otherwise.

So make a judgement call for now. In Section 7.4 of your template, write out your best guess for your career plan, including:

  • A list of problems you might help solve
  • Your strategic priorities
  • A Plan A, consisting in a best-guess next step and some top longer-term options it might help you work toward
  • Your options for a Plan B, i.e. promising alternatives to your Plan A
  • A Plan Z

If you’re still hesitating, we have one final step that should help give you a bit of peace of mind: setting review points. Remember that your career is a series of experiments, and you don’t have to figure it all out right away.

★Set review points

It’s easy to constantly second-guess your plan, but that’s probably not the best way to live. You should spend most of your time focused on succeeding within, learning from, and enjoying whatever you’re currently doing.

At the same time, it’s easy to just continue with what you happen to be currently doing for too long.

A way to avoid both issues is to set an explicit review point — a trigger to reassess your plan:

  • One option is to pick a timeframe, typically 6–24 months (shorter when you’re more uncertain and learning a lot; longer when you’re more settled). Around the new year is often a nice time, and we have an annual career review tool for this purpose.
  • Another option is to consider when you’ll next gain significant information about your career, and reassess then. For instance, if you’re transitioning careers, decide to review if a year passes and you haven’t yet found a new role. Or if you’re on the tenure clock as an academic, you could decide to review halfway through.

Whatever point you choose, it can be useful to set a concrete intention to review at that point in Section 7.5 of your template — and to set yourself some kind of reminder, for example in your calendar.

What to do when you hit your review point

  • If you’ve had a significant positive update in favour of the path you’re currently on, then probably stick with it; if you’ve had a significant negative update, seriously consider switching.
  • If you’ve learned about any new options that might be significantly better than your current focus, consider switching — otherwise continue.

We lead you through some more questions to reflect on in our annual career review tool.

If you do decide to change your plan, you can restart this planning process. Don’t worry, it’ll be a lot quicker the next time around, since you’ll be able to only focus on what’s changed since last time.

Recap: Your plan is done

In this part of the career planning process, you’ve checked your plan, gathered and investigated key uncertainties, and set points in the future at which you’ll review.

You should now have written down:

  • A list of global problems you want to help solve with your career
  • A Plan A — a best-guess next career step and some promising longer-term paths to aim toward with it
  • A Plan B — your next-best backup option — and perhaps a Plan Z
  • A strategic focus and priorities to guide your decision making
  • Points to review your plan in the future

Check that you’ve also received some feedback (or are waiting on feedback from someone) and have investigated your key uncertainties (unless you decided to skip doing that for now).

Once you have all that, your plan is done. Congratulations!

Thinking through these questions is hard, and most people never get around to it, despite their huge importance.

If you’ve invested the time, you’re giving yourself your best shot at fulfilling your potential to have a positive impact on the world, and have a career that’s exciting and personally satisfying too.

Take a moment to pause and feel satisfied.

Next we’ll turn to putting your plan into action.

Read next: Put your plan into action

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Notes and references

  1. More technically, you should stop investigating when the expected value of information is smaller than the cost of the tests.

Career planning and decision making — all our best resources

If good career planning can increase the positive impact you have with your career — or the satisfaction you get from it — by just 1%, then because a career is typically 80,000 hours long, it’d be worth spending 799 of those hours just planning.

Fortunately, we’ll be much faster, and think the rewards of good planning are much larger.

The articles and career planning template on this page are designed to help you make the best possible decisions in planning out your career.

They’re in-depth and based on the best academic research and existing advice we could find. And we’ve tested and refined the advice in them over the years by advising over 1,000 people one-on-one.

Follow the links below to make great career decisions, review your progress, and create a career plan you feel confident in.

Make your career plan

This template takes the most important exercises from our career guide, and organises them into a complete career plan. It starts with your longer-term goals, and then shows how to translate them into concrete next steps.

Our career guide covers the key things you need to know about how to plan your career.

Make an immediate career decision

Do you need to decide between a couple of concrete options right now — such as which job offer to accept, which major to select, or which companies to apply to? Use this short process:

Career decision process

Or get similar advice as an interactive tool.

In-depth career planning series

Get the series in your inbox.

Sign up to complete the series as a weekly course. We’ll email you an article a week alongside some questions to answer to help you write part of your career plan.

We’ll also send you updates on our research and updates on high-impact job opportunities. You can unsubscribe from either in one click.

Put your plan into action

See a summary of all the best advice we’ve found on how to make applications and get a job.

See a summary of the best advice we’ve read on how to network.

Review your career once a year

We recommend you review your career about once a year in order to reflect on where you want to go and whether you need to change direction to get there. To help you, we created an annual career review tool that asks a couple of key questions.

Do your career check-in

Learn more about career decision making

Career planning often involves difficult decisions and judgement calls that you will need to think through for yourself, such as which jobs you’re most likely to enjoy and be good at in the long term.

If you want to have a positive impact, you’ll face even bigger questions about which global problems are most pressing and how to help tackle them. Since the best options are usually new or unconventional, you’ll need to think independently and learn when to bet against the crowd.

This makes it really useful to improve your thinking and decision making, which is a great life skill too. Here are some of our best resources on how to do that.

See all our articles and podcasts on career decision making.

Get free one-on-one advice on your career plan

If you’re interested in working on one of the global problems we highlight, apply to speak with our team one-on-one. We can discuss which problem to focus on, look over your plan, introduce you to mentors, and suggest roles that suit your skills.

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